The month isn't a complete loss though. I've learned a lot and I have added quite a few articles to my residual earnings sites. Not as many as I wanted but getting there. I know that one of the things that is holding me back is the fact that I really, really need to get a schedule.
Honestly, schedules have always been the thing that stops me from getting past a certain level of success. If I could get a grip on this schedule thing I know I would accomplish so much more. So, I'm going to focus on schedule in June and nothing else. The amount of articles I write and the amount of money that comes in will be secondary. But the truth is that I think if I develop a schedule and stick to it, both of those will increase as a result.
I've still got 2 and a half days in the month so I'm not going to give you any numbers here. You'll have to wait until my update! LOL
But I will tell you that I got pre-approval at InfoBarrel, which means no more waiting for articles to be approved. That's a good thing. I'm enjoying automatic publishing now! LOL
Oh, and I joined The Keyword Academy. I figured why not - the first month is free so why not see what they have to offer. I doubt that I'll continue on past the first month because I find that I am suffering from information overload. I have enough reading to do as it is. I have to say the forum is pretty good and the Wordtracker tool is cool too. But I'll likely let you know how it goes later in June.