Before I get onto the income report, check out the picture that I had made for me on Fiverr ----->
I don't think it really looks like me but it makes me laugh. :)
I don't think it really looks like me but it makes me laugh. :)
Ok - let's talk money...
1. Bubblews
I made a whopping 50 posts on Bubblews this month. You'd think that would make a huge increase - or at least noticeable - over last month since I only did 19 in September right? Nope. It stayed almost exactly the same! Off by just pennies! Bizarre hey? I guess I know now that the majority of my income from Bubblews is coming from older stuff, not the new stuff that I put up. I'm not sure what that means for future writing. Will I post more? Or less? I don't know. I'll have to think about that. As long as I keep getting paid! Oh, how much did I make? $153.48
Oh! Before I forget, if you're newish to Bubblews, I actually released an ebook about it! Yes, there's a Bubblews guidebook/FAQ now! It's totally unofficial but I've been there a year and I'm still there so I guess I must know a thing or two right? If you'd like to check it out you can find The Lost (& Unofficial) Bubblews FAQ on Amazon.
Earnings: $153.48
2. Adsense
Well, here's a shocker - Adsense STILL sucks! Even more than it did last month! I don't even know if I want to bother with it anymore. Except for the YouTube stuff. But here's my Adsense earnings:
Earnings: $3.09!!!
3. YouTube
Again, YouTube is an estimate because the amount that is in the dashboard of Adsense and the amounts that are on YouTube analytics are usually a little different and what I actually end up getting is somewhere in between the two. But this estimate is pretty close.
Earnings (estimated): $9.09
4. InfoBarrel
Do I really have to report this? I mean really, it's just so pathetic. But I guess I will...
Earnings: $0.40
5. Ebooks
Great month on Ebooks this month! Love it when a new book does well. I released a new ebook and it got NINE 5 star reviews! And I swear to goodness, not one of them was solicited, traded for, bought, or anything sneaky like that. All genuine! Oh, that's not money though is it? Ok...$17? I have to estimate because a handful of books aren't showing on my report yet. Should be able to see them tomorrow I think. I'll update then.
Earnings: $20.96
6. Amazon
Wow - another site that is almost exactly the same (last month was $2.47)! LOL - odd. Nothing overly exciting here this month...
Earnings $2.57
7. Squidoo
Again! Almost the same as last month ($4.79) - nothing exciting. I haven't really been doing too much at Squidoo. I did make a couple of new lenses earlier in the month and one of them has made a sale. Will I do more? Hmmm - maybe.
Earnings: $4.26
8. LOLSpots/MyLikes
Slow month over at the FB pages this month. Facebook has been really messing with the algorithms and I just don't care enough to think about it too much. So, still earning but minimal
Earnings: $0.57
9. My Writing Site
Advertising was good this month on my writing site. I got paid for two ads this month. And I have been posting more. I'm actually considering moving THIS site's content over there because I can't keep up to all of my sites!
Earnings (not counting Adsense): $80
My Own Residual Earning Site
Don't forget to check out my revenue share sites: Writedge and My Two Cents.
Grand Total:
$279.42 (an increase from $ 240.30 last month)
Future Stuff
I plan on putting a lot more effort into ebook writing in the future. For October I'm participating in Nanowrimo and I'm hoping to put out TWO 30,000 word ebooks. Plus, I bought new covers for 9 of my ebooks in October and I'm impatiently waiting for them to start being visible on Kindle but a friend that has been advising me SWEARS that the new covers are going to increase my sales. I've completely revamped my author site and I finally got my first email subscriber!
I also launched a new blog but I have no idea if I have the time to keep up with it or not. I might try to figure out a way to get someone else to add content!