I'm going to do the same thing with my residual earnings and I might as well tell you what I'm doing.
First, I have a couple of niche sites happening. I have one about anxiety/panic disorder, one about time management, and one about how to be a freelance writer. I'm trying to add one new blog post to each per week.They have Amazon ads on them and Adsense.
Second, I am doing some product focused Amazon blogs. I purchased a course (which I am likely going to review in the fairly near future) from Chris Guthrie and it has cleared things up. I have two Amazon blogs up now. One just went up last night and I spent about an hour finding just the right product and just the right keyword domain and put it up. I still have to write a couple of real blog posts for it but I think this second one is going to be the one that starts making money first.
In the past I've been very, "I know how to do this so why should I pay someone to do it for me?" whenever it comes to pretty much anything. I think I was just being stubborn though. So, I've started outsourcing my linkwheels. I know how to do them but why the hell would I spend hours getting a proper linkwheel set up when I can pay someone $5 to do it for me? It's an investment, right?
I'm still hemming and hawwing about the article spinning issue. I can write but would it be a better investment to get a good article spinner? Would it save me time? I've tried free ones - they all suck - so I'm wondering if the paid versions are going to be that much better? I don't know. I'll have to think about it. At some point you have to stop "investing" and just get your butt to work, right?
Oh - that picture? It's a "freelancer jump gate" and I thought it was kind of cool. :)