I've decided on these two primarily because I've already got articles there and because I've had some success with them in the past (on a small level - remember that I haven't put a huge amount of effort into either one of them).
I think for now I am going to make a goal of posting a new article each day on each site. So, that's 14 articles a week. I know that doesn't seem like a lot but I do have a lot of other things on my plate. I have 3 private clients that bring in a good portion of my income and I have a part time teaching job as well. And I have a couple of blogs.
I guess the blogs come into play with my residual earnings as well because I do have Adsense on them, too. My main blog actually does quite well and has good traffic. Hopefully, I can build this one up to that. :)
I'll be doing keyword research for each post and I'll be submitting it to social bookmarking sites. I'm going to use IMAutomator plus a few other sites like Digg, Delicious, SheToldMe and StumbleUpon.
And of course, I think I'll do income reports. I've never done that before but I think that in a blog like this it can be very useful. I'm only going to include the income that has to do with residual earnings though.
So, I'll be back soon with some progress reports!
So, I'll be back soon with some progress reports!
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