Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Having a Hard Time with Organization

Extreme Organizing JobImage by Earthworm via Flickr
The story of my life - organization - I suck at it.  Believe it or not, I used to be an administrative assistant and organization was critical for me.  Even more unbelievable is that I used to teach an administrative assistant course and one of the things I had to teach was organization skills. So I know this stuff, but do you think I have succeeded in being organized as a freelancer?  Not a chance!

I am not sure why but I just have not managed to get my organization skills working for me at home.  I get lost on Facebook or I get sidetracked reading an article about blogging or I find a really cool plug in that I have to install immediately.  And before you know it the morning is over and I haven't really accomplished a damn thing.

Right now I have articles for pay that need to be written and I have written any residual articles in days.  Mind you, I have had some really crazy things going on in my life this past week.  I'm amazed that I've managed to do anything.  I found out that before the year is out I'm going to be a grandma!  It's not the ideas situation because my daughter is only 16 but I can't help but be a bit excited.  She's pretty much decided to keep it and I'll be damned if I'm going to make this a miserable experience for anyone.  This child will come into the world loved and cherished and I'm going to be there to help my daughter become a good mom.

Anyway, I have gotten a few more articles up and I've done some work on my niche blogs.  I found a guy at Fiverr.com that does these awesome linkwheels and I plan on using him again for sure.

So, I just wanted to let you know I haven't given up on this project - I'm just a little side tracked. :)
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  1. I used to be an admin assistant too, and have completely failed to be organised at home.

    Perhaps it's a natural reaction to being forced to be so neat and tidy all the time, or something, and definitely not that we're lazy.
