Monday, August 29, 2011

Time To Make a New Plan!

Highway 1Image by MoonSoleil via Flickr - This is what I am working for!  Beautiful scenes like this to enjoy every day!
So, I'm a tad off target with my residual earnings plan aren't I?  LOL

That's ok.  Sometimes you just gotta stop what you were doing, refocus, and get inspired again.  And there's nothing better to get you inspired than...

...a challenge!

A couple of writing chicks that I know have gotten together to inspire each other with a $50 a month HubPages challenge.  And I love this type of thing so I jumped in even though I was not on HubPages before.

I've put up my first two hubs and have decided I like it so I'm going to give it a go.  I'm still going to do InfoBarrel as well but I'm going to lay off of Bukisa for a bit.  I have a lot of content there and while I get more traffic there, the click throughs are not fabulous.  HubPages has a multi-earning thing going on (you can earn from Adsense, the HubPages Ad program, and Amazon) so I think it might be worth exploring.  And the community seems pretty nice, too.  That's one of the things I love about InfoBarrel so I figure that will be a perk at HubPages, as well.

So, what is this plan you might ask?

Well, once again, I am being aggressive.  I don't do anything half way.  I figure that I can dedicate an hour a day to MYSELF so I'm going to do 1 article at HubPages and 1 at InfoBarrel from Monday - Thursday.  Friday is going to be backlinking day.

One thing I am going to do a little differently is I am going to have a theme for each week.  Like this week, the theme is teens.  So, by the end of the week there will be 4 teen themed articles at HubPages and 4 teen themed articles at InfoBarrel.  The HubPages hubs will be interlinked to each other and to the IB articles and vice versa.

I'm also going to use other sites to build links, like - they are pretty cool because you can build a list and each point can have a dofollow link in it.  I'm going to use Blogger by creating a blog on that theme with a 100-200 word summary of each article and a link to it (and of course, the blog will be Adsense and Amazon optimized as well).  And then I will use my other bookmarking sites to create links, too.

I'm going to try to check in here weekly to share what I have done.
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Is Your Teen Lying to You?

Do all teens lie?
No. But it is common. Teens lie just because they want to test the boundaries. They are trying to see what they can get away with and what they can't. If you think back to your teen years, you likely did the same things. Or maybe you didn't. I didn't. I was one of those weird kids that didn't try to pull things of an actually believed that I should listen to my parents.
Click the title to

Do You Have a Troubled Teen?

Are you worried about your teen? Are you concerned about their activities outside of the house? Are you always looking for signs of trouble? You are not the only one!

Click the title to

Monday, August 8, 2011

I'm Lusting After...

Logitech C910Image by yoppy via Flickr
Ok - I'm in a rambling mood today and I know this post is kind of off topic - but its my blog and I can ramble if I want to!

I've just been browsing around and thinking about some of the bigger purchases I might buy before the year is over.  One of the things I'd really like is an iPad - but that's not likely going to happen!  I have to be a little more realistic.

One thing I did find that I want is the Logitech HD Pro Webcam C910.  I've been having a lot of video conferences lately and going in Google+ Hangouts and I have to tell ya that I'm not overly thrilled with the webcam that came with my laptop.  I don't know, I thought it would be better than it is.  I've also been thinking of doing some videos for another one of my sites but my web cam certainly isn't up to par for that. So I thought this might be a little - or a lot - bit better.

Have any of you used it?  Thoughts and opinions?

Of course, I'm going to do a little more research online and find out some more about it but so far what I've read seems good.  People seem to like it and it looks like it has all the features I need.
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