Thursday, May 31, 2012

Update on the 30 Hubs in 30 Days Challenge

I not only complete it - I killed it!

In 30 days I put up 45 hubs and now have a total of 100 Hubs!

How did I do it?  I wrote like a SOB!  A lot.

I put up a variety of articles.

I tweeted, liked, Google+, and Pinned each one.  Sometimes twice

Traffic was decent, got a lot of new followers, and earnings are more than double the highest I've ever had in a month (that will come with my income report).

So, I'm glad I did it.

But now, I need to build some backlinks!

And that brings me to my next challenge....

300 backlinks in 30 days!

Yes, I'm nuts.

But I have a plan.

And you can join me if you want.  Just come and like my Facebook page.  There will be challenges throughout the week and good reading on backlinking.

Come and like the HubPages Writer's Community and take part in challenges and discussion.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

New HubPages Writers - Tips for You!

Passive Income 3
Passive Income 3 (Photo credit: casperam)
If you're just getting started writing for residual income online you'll likely find that it is a bit of a challenge!  There is so much to learn.

Some people want to learn it all before they start.  They read and read and read.  And eventually, all that information becomes so intimidating that it can be hard to get going.

My biggest advice?  Just get started.  Don't waste all that time trying to learn everything before you start.  You can learn as you go.  The best thing you can do is just write something and get going.

Another thing you should do is treat your online writing seriously.  Don't just write when you are inspired.  Write with a purpose. Your purpose is up to you.  But if you treat it as a hobby that is all it will ever be and you will likely never fulfill the purpose that you have started with.

If you really want to write online and be successful at it check out these 8 tips for newbies to HubPages.  They'll apply to writing for other sites, too.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Are Your Articles Being Read?

Cover of a Read All About It novel
Cover of a Read All About It novel (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
One of the toughest things to learn is how to write articles/hubs that are actually being read.  So, many new writers spend their time writing articles that never get read.

One of the ways you can tell that your articles are actually being read is that they get comments.  You might have lots of traffic but without readers your articles are just a waste of time right?  And if people are actually reading your articles they will sometimes be inspired to leave a comment.

It's great to get comments on your article because it makes you feel like your time writing online is well spent. Even if the money isn't coming in yet (be patient, it will!) you can feel rewarded by the comments that people leave.

If you want people to read your articles there are several things you can do to encourage reading.  Remember that online readers tend to scan first and then decide if they want to read so making your articles scannable is very important!

You can find more tips for making your article reading here.